Sun-Yell fully recognizes the societal demands concerning the protection of personal information, and believes it has an important responsibility to society, we will strive to protect personal information of customers, suppliers, our employees, and our directors based on law or ordinance.

Proper acquisition of personal information
Sun-Yell acquires personal information in a proper manner and does not acquire personal information through deception or any other wrongful means.
Utlization of personal informattion
Acquired personal information will be utilized for the purpose we will explain when acquiring,
and the case of necessary relating to our business service, within the scope of rational relativeness
Major purposes are, for announcement relating development and sales of products and service, employees labor management, recruitment process, implementation of business purpose indicating on our article of incorporation.
Restrictions on utilization of personal information
Sun-Yell does not handle your personal information beyond the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of utilization without obtaining your prior consent. Even if Sun-Yell acquires your personal information as a result of a merger or any other instance of succession of business, Sun-Yell will not, without obtaining your prior consent, handle your personal information beyond the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of utilization before the succession of business. However, these restrictions do not apply in any of the following cases:

(1) a case in which the handling of personal information is based on any law or ordinance;
(2) a case in which the handling of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain your consent;
(3) a case in which the handling of personal information is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain your consent; or
(4) a case in which the handling of personal information is necessary for cooperation with a state organ, a local government, or any party delegated by either a state organ or local government to execute affairs prescribed by any law or ordinance and in which obtaining your consent is likely to impede the execution of those affairs.
Restriction on provision to third parties
Sun-Yell does not provide your personal information to a third party without obtaining your prior consent, except in a case in which the provision of personal information is based on law or ordinance.
Secure management of personal information
Sun-Yell will strive to do proper secure management of personal information in order to prevent leakage of, loss of, or damage to personal information including acquisition, storage, and disposal.
Disclosure, correction, discontinuance, elimination of personal information
Sun-Yell will disclose, correct, discontinue, eliminate your personal information without delay if you request disclosure, correction, and discontinuance of your personal information based on law or ordinance after identifying you


If you have any inquiries or questions regarding our privacy policies, please send it to the following address by mail.


3-14-33,Toyonari, Minami-ku Okayama, Japan
Sun-Yell International Corp